"JacenRoe;c-1236826" wrote:
A month ago I'd have agreed with you. But the goal now is to get your roster power as high as possible because that's what you have to do now for Territory Battles. So useless toons, and mods all matter.
Not as much as you might think... My g10 rey with 5* level 15 mods g10... is worth 30k.
While yes every toon will count, the OP's Empire roster still counts just as much and really isn't his problem. Credits aren't really either.
What seems to matter more are certain teams for the battles (4-5 teams like HAAT) and having rebel/lightside characters at 7* for platoons.
You earn 280k of Territory Points for completing 5 of 6 battles vs 30-40k per character from just deployments (which you also get automatically when using them in battles).
So just like with HAAT raid, having the proper teams geared up is more important than gearing/leveling all the other toons. So the people spending all their credits and gearing and leveling halfway all those toons might not be placing their resource in the best place. We will know more when we know exactly how many points are needed for what and how difficult all the battles are and the toons needed.
The OPs issue is not the credits cause he will earn as fast as he can gear (always been the case). His issue is that his roster focuses on Empire in a game that has repeatedly favored Rebel/Lightside.
Which makes TB just as daunting to them as HAAT did to me when I just got my arena and first Rancor teams worked out feeling good and then the thought of gearing up basically 3 more teams for HAAT made me want to rip my hair out. At least I lucked out and used rebel toons for the most part...