Forum Discussion

SivPax's avatar
8 years ago

How to beat Zaul Arena time

So the title says it, with all these Maul Zeta Lead teams popping up, is there any way to beat them without getting your own Maul Zeta Lead??

The Squad I am fighting is:

Maul Zeta Lead
Emperor Palpatine
Boba Fett
Baze Malbus
Chirrut Imwe

Even using Tenacity up is not enough.
Any suggestions?
  • plo kloon lead. i'm not joking. guy on my shard does this all the time, mainly runs clones but he can beat top zaul teams w/ a non maxed plo lead team. I cant remember if other toons are jedi or not, but the other toons are all maxed.

    it is a starting point...
  • I faced a team similar and upgraded B2 and a fast boba to beat him. Block Chirrut, use B2 to mow down and stop Baze's taunt and stealth, then use your high level attackers. Kylo has been awesome to use in the arena because of his outrage shock.
  • Maul dazes Rex and crew, so no TM gain... assuming the Zaul team opens with Zaul and not EP.
  • "Xioborg;919374" wrote:
    Maul dazes Rex and crew, so no TM gain... assuming the Zaul team opens with Zaul and not EP.

    most zaul teams will open with both maul and then ep. i have high tenacity on my b2 and my baze, still seems like they almost always get stunned.
  • "Xioborg;919374" wrote:
    Maul dazes Rex and crew, so no TM gain... assuming the Zaul team opens with Zaul and not EP.

    That plan as its issues just the same.

    Assuming similar speed on characters Maul vs Rex, say each has +100 speed (not many mauls have way more than this anyway), Maul will open at (200*1,25) 250 speed, Rex will then be at 240... even if doesn't gain tm from the criticals its a 10 speed difference where you will need to get palp in and hope for a stun to land. but then palp will be with something less than 200 speed for the fight.

    Not an easy task, especially if they have other cleansers (e.g. Chirrut, Kenobi), if Chirrut as the same +100 speed, he will start at 253... which means he can then open with tenacity up and block the opening daze of Maul.

    Sith assasin will change this first turn balance though.