Forum Discussion

joeybologna88's avatar
9 years ago

How to defeat Emperor Palpatine EP

Sorry, I'm not telling, I'm asking here.

If he's so beatable where are the posts and videos showing us how and proving it? Extreme luck is all that can work sometimes, and then an EP squad can auto-stomp your butt right back.

And I'm talking about top 10 arena, with fully geared and properly modded EP opponents paired properly with STH, RG, landos, anakins, etc - opponents who know how to use him.

Yoda is a joke. Tenacity does not and cannot work against a potent EP with his own buff. It's mathematically impossible. My shard is exclusively EP teams in the top 10. That is not good for the game.

EP is loved and defended by most who have him because he is the saving grace that has shot them dramatically forward in arena, thanks only to the fact they once favored Rebels in their farming. I doubt there's a single player without who doesn't think he's the worst thing that has happened in this game.