Forum Discussion

olddumper's avatar
6 years ago

How to easily defeat Revan with certain success.

Boy do I have a deal for you. This comp has a 100 percent chance at beating any Revan comp. Don't waste anymore time beating your head against the wall in arena when it could be so easy. The best part? My secret formulated squad does not require any good speed mods. Other squads out there could require +130 +140 +150 even +160 speed sets to work. My cutting edge squad can get the job done better for just +120 speed. And wait, there is more! My squad uses current popular toons, and one old f2p easy to farm toon! Other squads will have you farm useless old toons that are junk in other game modes, booooooo.

Act with-in the next ten minutes and I will provide you with a free mod guide for my secret comp. Don't wait, don't even hesitate, this mod guide is the best one out there. But don't take my word for it just look at all these reviews from real users.

"This guide had everything i need to beat Revan. It work instantly like a snap of the fingers."

"When I initially saw this guide I thought, everybody needs it. I immediately started recommending it to friends and family"

Stop the madness and start dominating your arena today. You will never need crystals ever again.