"Vendi1983;c-2198636" wrote:
Usually it's the support mods that are the problem. There's wide variations in how people mod SLKR but generally you want 110-120k health and at least 11,5k damage depending on what your triangle is. Hux needs to be fast as possible. KRU and FOST tanky. Either defence with health primaries on KRU, or health with health primaries. Then FOST is the same but with protection primaries. FOO is speed. ST is heavy offense. Like 10k or more.
Ok, Thank you for all the knowledge. I will work on these Mods...does Protection not matter?? I currently have:
SLKR-109k health 456 speed, 12,2k damage
KRU- 65k health, 72k prot, 231 speed (2 def sets, 1 health set)
FOST- 70k health, 110k prot, 199 speed( 1 def set, 2 health sets)
Hux- 287 speed ( 1 speed set and 1 health set)
Red Trooper- 233 speed and 6900k damage ( 1 crit damage and 1 tenacity set)
FOO- 275 speed (1 speed set, 1 potency set)
So from what you said my Red Trooper is waay low on damage...which now makes sense as I was wondering his purpose, he never kills anyone for me..dies super fast.