Forum Discussion

djohns2000's avatar
6 years ago

How to mod Traya

I just got Traya!

I've heard that modded for tankyness can counter Revan, but I'm not sure I need that because I already have C3 and Chew, and my own Revan. (also don't know what arrow primary tanky traya has)

funfact- at g4 with all ablities maxed (cept for unique, seeing how that isn't unlocked) is has the 6th most powerful Sith I have, according to GP. I have two Sith with less GP that I actually use
  • I personally think any defensive set (tenacity, health, defense) is better than speed for her.
  • (2) Defense and (1) tenacity, Crit Avoidance triangle, tenacity cross, protection triangle and circle. I can survive (2) rounds of Direct Focus usually!
  • Here is a pic of top ten arena trayas.

    I've seen crit avoidance on her arrow. You can use speed. Traya can be modded for Max tenacity. Max defense.

    If you don't plan to use her for arena you can go offense/defense.
  • Unless she has a high base tenacity, stick to defense and health. You're already at a disadvantage on tenacity vs potency. Defense and health will help you survive the debuffs that stick.
  • "PSO_Ro_Deschain;c-1787779" wrote:
    (2) Defense and (1) tenacity, Crit Avoidance triangle, tenacity cross, protection triangle and circle. I can survive (2) rounds of Direct Focus usually!

    Oh my, she is very fragile. This is actually what I do, speed arrow though. I don't use her in arena though.