Forum Discussion

Shadowscream77's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

How to spend crystals...

I’m not a Kraken! Or even a Whale....but I do buy crystals every now and then and have only spent them on Energy refreshes - 3 of each/day.
My understanding is this is the best value?
Beyond that is there anything else that’s reasonable value?

If it helps:
My two biggest bottlenecks are Stun Guns and Credits - obviously I’ve unlocked and 3* max tier on Credit Heist and I use the Scimitar Fleet node to get a few extra stun guns/day.
  • "LynnYoda;c-1615566" wrote:
    you answered your own question tbh, refreshes 3x50 + stun guns ;)

    Which stun gun purchase is best value the “complete” Or the prototype?
  • some say the 2541 crystals full gun is better due to the cost of getting a full gun + full carbanti but ive never bought the full i normally just buy the 20 prototypes as carbantis can be got from challenges
    its your choice tbh
  • i don't like to buy stun guns personally. you need a bunch but i think they cost too much for something farmable. the gold gear that's 375 crystals for 25 salvage are an efficient buy. i'll pick those up when i need them. also something like the mk 2 gel that's 273 for the whole part is nice too when you need it.