5 years ago
How to split Separatists for defense?
So tonight I will finally get WAT and so I have been trying to figure out how to split up my separatist teams for defense. Here are how my current teams are set up.
Team 1: The regular GG Droids
Team 2:
I have geos and I use them on defense but I don't want to change anything up there.
I don't have Jango in the Nute team because I want to keep my BH viable for offense and I have Fives as my tank because he is my second best tank as of right now after Kenobi.
So where could I use WAT to make my teams the most viable?
Edit: Although my swgoh.gg is at the bottom I will just put it here too: https://swgoh.gg/p/755536779/characters/
Team 1: The regular GG Droids
Team 2:
I have geos and I use them on defense but I don't want to change anything up there.
I don't have Jango in the Nute team because I want to keep my BH viable for offense and I have Fives as my tank because he is my second best tank as of right now after Kenobi.
So where could I use WAT to make my teams the most viable?
Edit: Although my swgoh.gg is at the bottom I will just put it here too: https://swgoh.gg/p/755536779/characters/