Forum Discussion

jarhead733's avatar
9 years ago

Hypothetical Multi-attack team

Leader: Captain phasma- allies have 20% to call an ally to assist when they attack (40% if they are first order)
Other members:
Rey: third attack hits twice, and if she has any status effects a third time
Dooku- 100% counter chance plus 50% to go again for main attack (also has a stun)
Leia- main attack has 55% to go again and 40% a third time (ability also has 55% to grant allies critical chance up for two turns whenever she attacks)
First Oder tie pilot- main attack has 45% to go again (double if he has advantage which phasma can provide) and does massive damage

Other possible member:
Kit fisto- 35% counter chance and main attack has 30% to go again
  • "DarthVanio;58885" wrote:
    Sorry to disappoint you, but this squad will be crushed hard. All of them are pretty squishy and you don't have any healers there. Rey is hard to star up and as for Leia, if you are f2p - forget bout her. FOTP is good option with Phasma. They have good synergy. Dooku is strong but atm is hard to star up ( soon he will be everywhere). This team will be crushed with almost everything. Leia and Dooku will go down with Poggle buf and any AOE. FOTP can get a bit tanky but when he is 5* and above. Otherwise he is dead. Rey can evade only 1 attack and she is gone. The idea of the counter team is good, but it is not viable. I would replace Leia and Rey with Lumi and Poggle. I would even replace Dooku with Sid. But if we do that, the whole idea is gone. I just can't see how this could work. Perhaps in future we will see some of this teams here, but now it is not their time.

    I see you post a lot and you dont seem to have many of these characters...Rey looks like one of the best long term damage dealers.

    Agreed a healer or a taunter like Poe would help but to say the whole idea behind the squad is not viable is a lie and based on nothing but guess work.
  • I currently run:

    Phasma (Lead)

    The assists with a chance to call a second assist are fun to watch. Sometimes QGJ with Harmoniously strike and 2 others come for an assist. I can usually eliminate my biggest threat in the first go around and severally damage the second one. I've netted top 50 on my arena server.