Forum Discussion

Ikky2win's avatar
6 years ago

I’m afraid to gear Jedi Knight Anakin

So I’m watching all these videos where JKA now just completely destroys Darth Revan/Malak teams and I want to gear up Anakin, but with everything that has happened lately I’m afraid he’s going to get nerfed. The situation we’re in is absolutely asinine. Either they don’t nerf him and everyone who paid the big bucks for Malak is going to be angry or they do nerf him and everyone who just geared him up will be angry.

I can’t believe we’re in this situation. We went from a JKR meta to a Malak meta for like a week, and now it looks like it’s swinging back to a JKR meta already. What the heck was the point in getting Malak??? Would be really nice if the devs could come out and say right away if JKA is working as intended or if he’s going to get neutered like Palpatine was.
  • yeah i was gonna spend the money on a data pack to zerg him to 7* guess not anymore

    see what you did Carrie? killed off paying customers, nice going.
  • "Mephisto_style;c-1842853" wrote:
    "GunnerFCm;c-1840646" wrote:
    "KyJoe_Cool;c-1839855" wrote:
    "Lasod;c-1839854" wrote:
    Got to gear him to 12 to complete jedi quest so unless you are planning on never completing that quest your gonna gear him sometime in the future why not now?

    Completely forgot about that. :open_mouth: cries out like Luke Noooooo! lol :joy:

    Why wouldn't you cry out like Darth Vader? Nooooooo! ;)

    Yeah, Luke's cry was way more lame.

    :worried: Whaa? Luke’s “cry” was more dramatic imo. I mean the dude just lost an arm by his own father. And he’s hangin on for dear life. I mean. Give the guy a break. Ya know? :joy:

    Edit: and on top of all that Old Ben lied to Luke and said Vader killed his father. Which we all know wasn’t true. So Luke was kinda traumatized in the heat of the moment. lol
  • "NicWester;c-1841609" wrote:
    "Liath;c-1840665" wrote:
    "Nikoms565;c-1840663" wrote:
    "princecasals;c-1840557" wrote:
    It should be nerfed.
    In the Wedge lead meta period, AI was very bad against JKA. Simply cheap battle.
    On full auto.

    I love how people post less than g12 Malak at 5* getting crushed in launch arenas and say "See?!?!!1!?"

    I’m not sure g12 makes much of a difference really, but if it did that would just further fuel the rage of the people that don’t have enough GET and can’t purchase it.

    The jump from g11 to g12 is really important. Keep in mind that you can't equip certain pieces at g11 if you're not 7* and that's where the important stats come from at that range. Moreover, you can't use 6* mods if you're not g12. So not only are these Malaks undergeared, they're also at a mod disadvantage.

    I don't have a dog in this fight--I'm going to miss out on Revan AGAIN this time because my Jolee farm is taking too long--so I'm not saying what should or shouldn't happen with what characters. I'm just saying that the g11 to g12 jump is a big difference.

    The fact that there’s a big difference in the stats doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a big difference in the outcome. G12 Malaks are also losing.
  • "Ikky2win;d-201829" wrote:
    So I’m watching all these videos where JKA now just completely destroys Darth Revan/Malak teams and I want to gear up Anakin, but with everything that has happened lately I’m afraid he’s going to get nerfed. The situation we’re in is absolutely asinine. Either they don’t nerf him and everyone who paid the big bucks for Malak is going to be angry or they do nerf him and everyone who just geared him up will be angry.

    I can’t believe we’re in this situation. We went from a JKR meta to a Malak meta for like a week, and now it looks like it’s swinging back to a JKR meta already. What the heck was the point in getting Malak??? Would be really nice if the devs could come out and say right away if JKA is working as intended or if he’s going to get neutered like Palpatine was.

    "If this would inform any decisions to gear or level him up, we would ask that you refrain from doing so until we give the all clear on his kit."

    From the original post
  • "Nikoms565;c-1843126" wrote:
    "Liath;c-1843100" wrote:
    "NicWester;c-1841609" wrote:
    "Liath;c-1840665" wrote:
    "Nikoms565;c-1840663" wrote:
    "princecasals;c-1840557" wrote:
    It should be nerfed.
    In the Wedge lead meta period, AI was very bad against JKA. Simply cheap battle.
    On full auto.

    I love how people post less than g12 Malak at 5* getting crushed in launch arenas and say "See?!?!!1!?"

    I’m not sure g12 makes much of a difference really, but if it did that would just further fuel the rage of the people that don’t have enough GET and can’t purchase it.

    The jump from g11 to g12 is really important. Keep in mind that you can't equip certain pieces at g11 if you're not 7* and that's where the important stats come from at that range. Moreover, you can't use 6* mods if you're not g12. So not only are these Malaks undergeared, they're also at a mod disadvantage.

    I don't have a dog in this fight--I'm going to miss out on Revan AGAIN this time because my Jolee farm is taking too long--so I'm not saying what should or shouldn't happen with what characters. I'm just saying that the g11 to g12 jump is a big difference.

    The fact that there’s a big difference in the stats doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a big difference in the outcome. G12 Malaks are also losing.

    To maxed teams. On defense. With a horrible AI.

    This idea that suddenly, after 3+ years of this never being the case, something should hold on defense is honestly astounding. Especially from players who know better. The inability for people to not see past their own perceived advantage and/or "investment" is comical.

    That’s a totally separate issue unrelated to anything I was responding to. You said people shouldn’t be complaining because non-maxed Malaks are losing to maxed JKA. If maxed Malaks are also losing to them, this point is irrelevant.