If having trouble with Nihilus or Sion - remember that GMY's Battle Meditation gives Tenacity Up...which will almost always guarantee a resist on debuffs like Health Down and Fear.
Even if Sion gets Held By Hatred, just pop Battle Meditation and kill him. Since he hasn't applied Painto any of the characters attacking him, his cooldown will still be over 10, and you just kill him a second time. And if your characters do have Pain on them (so are doing low damage to Sion), you have Bastilla assist, Revan turn swap, GK clear, and Strategic Advantage - all of which can wipe Pain off of Revan and GMY.
The only way this battle should go badly is if Nihilus annihilates Revan or GMY. Use Foresight to really delay Annihilate. Every other battle permutation should end in Revan destroying the Traya squad, especially one without Bastila Shan Fallen...