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Cleric_Jericho's avatar
9 years ago

IG-100 Magnaguard tips and tricks, with video

I've been quite vocal about how valuable a droid team member 100 is, so I'm putting this up for later reference if I need it.

The first important point to note is that he's not the best at anything he does but he's good at everything he does. There are stronger AoE toons, better counter hitters and sturdier taunting tanks. But in a droid team it's hard to find anything that fits as well across all fields. For most of the below, assume he's under an Omega HK lead.

He'll hit for fairly regular crits around the 5-6K mark with his basic and 4-5K with his AoE. Each of those will bump his TM up by 50%.
His AoE gets bumped by 35% (+5% vs Jedi) if it misses. This equates to requiring either 2 crits or 3 misses to ensure he goes again.

An important step occurs here because if he gets that second attack then he technically hasn't been attacked since his last turn and his speed+ will trigger. Note that his basic can cause damage- on an opponent even if it misses.

Once in the mid game of the fight I've found that enemy AoEs will trigger his counter more than direct attacks (although that's possibly just my own perception). But when his counter hits and lands him another crit, he's back up another 50%TM. This high activity level keeps him relevant and throwing out lots of attacks however, he is often ignored for the most part at this stage of the fight.

Once in the end game, his AoE becomes less effective as there's less targets to reap TM from. It's at this point he starts to become a target and his counters really come into their own.

GG can force a taunt on him. This should be amazing as he gets to churn up the enemy with counter hits. The downside is that he will only hold this taunt for 1 turn so if he gets two crits from the first two counters, GG has lost his protection.

There are other small intricacies that having him present can produce: As another droid, he enhance's IG86's output and increase GG's hit points.

As I think of more benefits (and some down points, other than being stunned), I'll them here but for now take a look at how this fight went. It's against a rare Akbar lead but all the usual suspects are there. I didn't expect to win this one but I haven't faced this build much before today so I thought I'd record it for posterity. Enjoy...