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KWW75's avatar
9 years ago

Ima Gun Di... funny times!

This is probably personally my best light sided leader ability because of what it does... A rank 3 leader ability on Ima-Gun will give all Jedi on your team a 25% at a counter. At rank 5, the counter is 35% (thanks for the info Stekcir_Leinad)

I've dished it out and also been on the recieving end of it too

One arena match I used HK-47's Meatbag mayhem... next thing I knew, I had the enemy Count Dooku and his five jedi associates swarming my HK-47... Thankfully HK has a lot of health so he survived that to be quickly healed back up... Not sure if his revive would have kicked in if he did go down... Still amusing never the less.... wished I had video captured it!

Some of you will probably be familiar with the notorious Light side 4-L battle... Lots of grenades...

If you find yourself a whole bunch of Jedi and happen to have Ima Gun-Di or have access to him... that fight turns out to be hilarity a hundred fold...

If you already have the likes of Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto already on your team... Prepare to see those Storm troopers swarmed by a pack of not so happy Jedi! It still remains the funniest thing I've seen
  • Something wrong with Ima-Gun Di ability level 8. At lvl7 he has counter chance 35%. Upgrade to max lvl is written +15% counter chance and +25% counter damage. So after max upgrade his ability must be...50% counter chance and 25% counter damage. But he still has only 35% counter chance!!!
  • "IrisCrystal;471665" wrote:
    REALLY? joke or serious about the naming?

    Yup. The Clone Wars team knew he was only going to be in one episode, then die at the end, so they named him accordingly.
  • I've got him to 6*, Gear IX, working on his 7* currently. Running a full Jedi team with him on lead can be hilarious when 4 or more of them trigger simultaneous counter attacks; caught me completely unaware the first time it happened, I was doing a GW node on auto when all of a sudden almost my entire team jumped in on an AI Sid simulataneously.
  • I really like IGD, but u will love the most when someone tries an AeO attack.
  • I have had Ima on my first account. I farmed him on nodes to 5th star for Yoda event and used as leader for 4 jedi team. It was amazing to see 4 counters or response on AoE atack , but it was rare.
    Now I am using new account and I will not farm him again from the shop. Maybe if you have all the best jedi in the game, his lead will work , but do not wait for super results. Arena will have sense only if you find tank team with Opress, Fives , Phasma, Kylo ... Only long fight can bebefit counter Ima. The glass cannons with tank is very bad opponet for Ima's team because of its short time of fight.
  • "SlaveWon;470552" wrote:
    Every time I see his name I read "I'm Gonna Die".

    I always read it just the opposite. "I'm a gun, DIE!!"
    It does make more sense your way after rewatching the clone wars.

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