Range is the 4th for sure.
The way the team works is Veers lead, which gives 10% tm for receiving a buff, coupled with Piett, who gives a buff to all troopers whenever any trooper takes a turn or attacks.
For example, starck goes and does his buff move, each trooper gets 2 buffs plus a stack of emperor's track, for 30% TM. Same idea if you have Piett move first.
Each assist or counter attack from a trooper will also give a stack of Emp Trap, which is where Range comes in. 50% chance to assist. So every single trooper's turn give 10% tm with 50% chance of another 10%, plus any buffs that go to the team.
All before you gain mad tm from Veers unique on a kill. Range keeps the TM train going more consistently.
5th should be gideon IMO, but snow or death work.
You don't want a tank for PvP since the other team should never get a move off.