As you are new player, I recommend you check out how to get Jedi Knigh Revan and focus on him. Get GMY on the way and you will be happy player. Revan is a great damage team in all the raids while being great in the arena too, for new shards. Everyone is going for it and so should you. GK will take months of HAAT farming so by the time you even unlock him (5*) you'll have Revan team up (next Revan will come in ~70days maybe after this next week one) and running.
What comes to Padme, you won't be getting her in the next ... 6 months at least. You need a GOOD separatist team with gear lvl really high. And looking at the videos about her, even 5* is a tough break. And we still don't have genosians rework, thought which might come at any day/week.