"VonZant;c-1891647" wrote:
"willennium;c-1891414" wrote:
"Tabub;d-206797" wrote:
Along with a lot of other characters, IG-88 got a sizable protection boost, but his was a whole 13000 protection increase, which is absolutely massive. This leads to my question, is IG-88 going to be a part of the main bounty hunter squad now? His issue was being too easily killed, but now that this is not an issue anymore, will he be better than other bounty hunters in the fifth slot?
I don't assume so. He needs more of a rework to fit in with other bounty hunters. Aside from his low survivability, his main issue with just not having any real synergy with how other BHs operate. Others can do things like reduce TM, stun, apply thermal detonators, etc.. IG-88's real bread and butter currently lies with target lock. Because of that, IG-88 fits better in a droid squad since they're the faction that actually uses that mechanic. BUT with the GG reworks, you're definitely not gonna take away one of the separatist droids for IG-88... so he's just kinda there...
He has a really good debuff package, heal immunity, and hits like a truck. Now that I found out he got a protection buff, I know just where to put him.
Thanks OP. IMO he works just as well under scoundrels as he Does BH or Droids. He should work on any BH squad or try him with Qira and Vandor if you have them.
Yeah he does have a nice kit, but I'm thinking in an optimal BH squad, even with the extra protection, he still doesn't bring quite enough to make the cut. Bossk, Boba, Jango, Embo, and Dengar are the presumed best 5. He's definitely not breaking that, even outside of that, Greedo and Cad would still give him a run for his money since they dispel and reduce TM.
I mean he's not a bad character, so if someone doesn't have the other BHs farmed, but has 88, then by all means they should use him. He's just not really that ideal on an all BH team... unless it's on a second full BH team.