Forum Discussion

Yerff_Caasi's avatar
6 years ago

Is it worth it to go past 100% potency?

Ok, I need this settled--how does it work when potency and tenacity stats go above 100%? I know that 100% potency is supposed to make you land the debuff every time, except that there's an irreducible 15% chance of it being resisted (even if the enemy has 0% tenacity, there's always a 15% chance of resist). And 100% tenacity is supposed to make it impossible to be debuffed (except, again, I think there's a 15% chance?). But as if that isn't complicated enough...
What happens when the stats are over 100%? Say I have 150% potency and my enemy has 110% tenacity? Do I have an 15%(100-85) chance to apply the debuff, or do I have a 40%(150-110) chance, or is it something else?
Can someone please break down, in detail, how the math works out when the values are over 100%? Because I want to know if it's worth it to mod a toon past 100% potency. Do I just get my debuffers to 100% and call it a day? Or do I need to mod to say 200%, so that I can still debuff toons with 100% tenacity?
This is all very confusing, and I'd appreciate a breakdown, thanks. :)