Forum Discussion

Descento's avatar
3 years ago

Is Raddus capital ship good for anything?

It is a resistance flagship, and there are a total of 3 Resistance fighters.

What are you supposed to do with it? What is it good for? (Considering that rebel fighters are based on HomeOne and OR fighters are based on Negotiator)
  • Can be good to sabotage a tough fleet and then follow it with another team.
  • "LordDirt;c-2323262" wrote:
    Can be good to sabotage a tough fleet and then follow it with another team.

    How would that work? You're just gonna speed up that fleet when you lose.
  • It depends on Your fleets, if You can use HT with Raddus, it’s a good counter for Negotiator/Malevolence, or even as first fleet for Exe. Without HT it’s rather weak, but can still have some use at cleaning up damaged fleets in GAC and TW.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    It can work decently for some stuff if you rob a tank from another fleet (clone sarge works decently if you pull him in as your first RI), but it definitely suffers from the major shortage of non-capital ships.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2323385" wrote:
    "Korban;c-2323376" wrote:
    "LordDirt;c-2323262" wrote:
    Can be good to sabotage a tough fleet and then follow it with another team.

    How would that work? You're just gonna speed up that fleet when you lose.

    But they might all have used their specials, making them easier to beat.

    The “clip” strategy is particularly reliable v Executor. Send in a weak fleet so all the specials are used, send in Malevolence and a win is quite easy to pull off.

    Don't the "specials" reset with new battle?

  • "RoopeRenegade;c-2323528" wrote:
    I found the Resistance cap ship to be surprisingly strong.
    Having said that, I am running Rebels, but sometimes I can take out Negos. Resistance cap ship, no luck so far.

    Rebels are supposed to be a hard counter to Raddus...
  • I put mine on defense in GAC and get holds fairly reliably. Not all the time, but pretty often.

    People underestimate it.