3 years ago
Jedi Knight Revan Team
Hi All, Please could I be so kind as to request some guidance on my Jedi Knight Revan team? - https://swgoh.gg/p/986914471/ Up until know I've been running my main Jedi squad as Bastilla L, JKR,...
"Shadowscream;c-2409640" wrote:
Your suggested squad JKR,Bastila,Jolee, GMY and Hoda is by far the strongest squad
You need to do a couple of things…
1) Modding —> JKR needs more speed. GMY —> offence triangle primary and whilst speed isn’t critical as he will get TM from the team he does need a bit more speed than currently. Jolee needs Health and lots of it, Tenacity Cross Primary is also nice on him.
On SWGOH.GG look at the character page and select “Best Mods” tab.
TL:DR — JKR speed, Jolee health, GMY Offence.
ALSO - focus on upgrading Offence/CD and Health primary mods with decent speed secondaries to 6A-E e.g. if you get a decent Offence triangle for GMY.
2) Relics - this team needs some G13 to shine. GMY = most important for DPS, followed by Jolee and JKR imho. Jolee not dying will save your team many many times - as he can bring them back. JKR being G13 makes sense since he’s often targeted for a first kill to avoid his Saviour mechanic.