Forum Discussion

deXxterlab97's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Jedi team update

So GMY has been reworked, so I might want to give him a shot again. I didn't like him at start as he has low damage and hitpoint, but after rework maybe he is better?

Here are my Jedi toons that I currently run: zzQGJ lead, zBarriss, zOB (or no zeta), Lumi (cause she heals), Ahsoka

I also have Mace Windu, but he lacks of ability so he is on standby

Kinda wanna get rid of OB as he deals weak damage and his mind trick not always work

So suggestion on which would be a good jedi team I can use with what I have?

Still a long way to GK, been told to get Ezra and Kanan so they are on their way

Hoda soon, soon.

All are 7 stars

I also have Eeth Koth

  • Krjst0ff's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Get zetas on GMY, and then go GMY(L), Hyoda, zBarris, QGJ and Old Ben.

    Put som potency mods on Old Ben, so his debuffs land more often.
    Get speed mods on Hyoda and Barris so they heal as often as possible, and offensive (offence, CC, CD) mods on GMY and QGJ for damage.

    Prioritize protection primaries with high speed secondaries (apart from arrow of course, which most be speed).
  • Hey @dexxterlab97 , not everyone needs to be a damage dealer.
    The OB function is to take all the hits (and die to buff everyone else). If he can land some debuffs and some hits, that's a bonus.

    His zeta is great against GTA, because is the only one that keeps taunting after fracture.

    If (when) you zeta GMY, put him as the leader, it will increase the dps.

    You don't need so many healers, take out Luminara and put Ezra in it (since you like to hit hard).

    My suggestion:
    Now: zQGJ, GMY, zBariss, Obi Wan (give him a zeta), Ahsoka

    • swap zQGJ for zGMY (and give him a double zeta)
    • replace zBariss for Hoda
    • replace Ahsoka for Ezra (and give him a zeta)
    • replace Obi Wan for GK
    • think about replacing QGJ for Visas or Fulcrum

    I don't know how is your shard, this team will win in offense, but will probably drop a bit in defense.