7 years ago
Jedi teams
So apart from GK being the god of Jedi, what are the alternatives to the Jedi to actually be good in arena? I have 7 star squad gear 8 & 9 yet I still get beat down. I get into the mid 300s and then get stomped back to 600’s.
Squad is barris, qgj, old Ben, lumi, gm yoda. Also have consu and mace at 7 with same gear.
Or are the Jedi really only good for fighting grevious in guild battles? Been working on Gun Di anakin and tano, but stopped because it seems the Jedi are squishy. I have mostly defense mods set on the starting group.
Any help would be great.
Squad is barris, qgj, old Ben, lumi, gm yoda. Also have consu and mace at 7 with same gear.
Or are the Jedi really only good for fighting grevious in guild battles? Been working on Gun Di anakin and tano, but stopped because it seems the Jedi are squishy. I have mostly defense mods set on the starting group.
Any help would be great.