4 years ago
JML protection recovery under Bast/Tambor
So, I have a doubt. Its about the protection recovery for JML when he receives tank tech from tambor and the lead is Bastilla Shan. Is it supposed to work as it is now? I used revan lead with my own JML R8, R8, R8 gas, JKL, and tambor. Even with atack tech on gas and my full team alive, I spent 3 minutes hiting the JML from the other team and couldnt get his peotection out of the purple. It looks like he recovers more protection than he should when under
bastilla lead with tech from tambor.
So, I guess my question is: Is it WAI (working as intended)?
bastilla lead with tech from tambor.
So, I guess my question is: Is it WAI (working as intended)?