Forum Discussion
9 years ago
"DarthThanatos;817546" wrote:"AhnaldT101;817531" wrote:"DarthThanatos;817527" wrote:
I'm curious of how Jyn and Bistan would work with TM removal. Bistan could wipe out TM every 3 turns (% potency based) and paired with Jyn's...
Oh yeah just toss in one more TM removal toon in that 5th slot I had open and this raid would be so easy. Bistan and Jyn would be best buds for this. Bistan also uses his 3 turn cool down ability quite fast because of Frenzy.
Cool! I have a 6* Jyn (could 7* with pack) and Chirrut, I'm going to start on Bistan I think so try and solo this with rebels. Does Cassian have a spot in this group? I have him 7* but he may not fit.
I made a previous video with Cassian and Jyn in the Raid and Cassian can apply a variety of debuffs and gives extra opportunities to apply expose while under a Jyn lead so he is useful. I was going to use him for this raid but wanted to use as few characters as possible but you can check out the previous one if you want to see him in action!
"NicolasRage;817539" wrote:
Oh, so now three characters can essentially solo the rancor raid. The same way a combo of those three characters can beat out rank 1 arena teams. Seems TOTALLY balanced. How convenient that only whales have them. hmmm.
Yeah they are definitely quite strong. I'm super bummed EA is taking the characters back because they were fun to use! But whoever will have them will certainly be getting their money's worth that is for certain.
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