6 years ago
KAM Jedi Council gets dispelled on death
There's been some recent footage out of Ki Adi Mundi (KAM). I wanted to clear up an important part of his kit. His Jedi Council Unique boosts the offense of GR Jedi supports and healers by 10% of their health. For stat lovers, this is huge. Here is Barriss hitting with this buff:
But now, check out her damage when KAM dies and Jedi Council dispels itself:
Same target, same non-crit, same Barriss, but she deals a fifth of the damage; or more accurately, normal damage after she lost a buff that quintupled her damage.
I cannot stress how important this is to be aware of. It's likely that a prolonged battle with healers hitting for quintuple their damage could be boarderline OP, but footage with KAM dying early won't show this. This fact needs to be kept in mind for inital testing.
Death mechanic in swgoh.gg:
But now, check out her damage when KAM dies and Jedi Council dispels itself:
Same target, same non-crit, same Barriss, but she deals a fifth of the damage; or more accurately, normal damage after she lost a buff that quintupled her damage.
I cannot stress how important this is to be aware of. It's likely that a prolonged battle with healers hitting for quintuple their damage could be boarderline OP, but footage with KAM dying early won't show this. This fact needs to be kept in mind for inital testing.
Death mechanic in swgoh.gg: