It will be interesting to see how C-3PO works under an Ackbar lead. Like Hermit Yoda, his basic ability is not an attack, so it will trigger an assist. But since C-3PO has the Rebel tag, he could presumably be called to assist by other characters. And since his basic isn't an attack, this could presumably trigger a second assist from another Rebel. For example:
R2 uses Smoke Screen. It's not an attack, so it triggers an assist.
C-3PO is called to assist and uses his basic ability. It's not an attack, so it triggers an assist.
Ackbar is called to assist.
So from one use of Smoke Screen, you could get an extra stack of Confuse on the target, reduced cool-downs for those characters who have three stacks of Translation, and an assist from another Rebel. That's wild!