"Phoenixeon;c-1720021" wrote:
"Moroveus;c-1719869" wrote:
It will be interesting to see how C-3PO works under an Ackbar lead.
I am sorry thats not going to work, inflict debuff or remove turn meter counts as an attack, so C3PO both active skills wont trigger AA's leader.
Not necessarily. IPD applying target lock isn't considered an attack. This is part of what makes him the best buff wipe in the game.
"BrakirKY;c-1720269" wrote:
Personally I think he looks pretty interesting. The kit is like a weird mix of R2 and BB8. Team-wide bonuses at the start, and a build up to much higher bonuses. Having GalRep, rebel, resistance, and ewok synergy also makes for a ton of possible comps for making the most out of your roster.
I can easily see him replacing Elder or Scout as the 5th in the standard Ewok comp of chirpa/logray/paploo/wicket. He would give them a huge damage boost and cripple the enemy at the same time. Having a 2nd mass attack available for all the buffed up murderbears will be awesome. With 3 stacks of translation, they get 70% CD, 70% defense penetration, exposes on basic ( which is huge with zChirpa's massive number of assists).
15% protection up for every buff gained, of which ewoks gain a ton from logray and chirpa.
I'd say Logray is the one he best replaces in the Ewok squad. Don't need AoE daze when confusion does the same thing.