They talk of their 5year plan an the longevity of this game but then continue spit in ppls face. Lets drop a legendary character an if u didnt whale out to get the last legendary char couple weeks ago then u cant have this one either. Only the ppl tht was willing to give us their money to get drevan will be allowed to get this char so not only now are u missing out on the fun of drevan u now have to suffer 2x an miss out on the fun of this legendary char also. I as a player was upset tht I missed out on drevan but thought to myself well atleast i can go for malek only to find out nope ur not getting him either. As a day 1 player almost 4.5m gp player i find this constant pwr creep an ever more harder paywalls very disconcerting on where this game is goin an for the first time in over 3yrs i have had thoughts of walking away. Such a sad day. I have no probs with the panic farm system my prob is the release of a 2nd op char basically 2 weeks after the last legendary an make tht last legendary a requirement. Like drevan needed any help to be meta. So instead of everyone atleast havin sum sorta chance to require this char only a small percentage of true whales will get a chance at him.