"MKIceman;c-2285657" wrote:
So all the BH ship stuff is interesting and all, but... I don't recall the BHs ever playing nice with each other, or ever having more synergy than an actual trained, battle-hardened military fleet.
The only exception is when Obi Wan was undercover and they were working together on the ground -- but I never saw a fleet of BH ships working in tandem.
But hey, what do I know -- clearly the HT is the best ship ever, the most valuable tank, and critical to every single Star Wars fleet battle ever, along with (apparently) Razor Crest now too.
Every kid growing up with Star Wars absolutely knows who Bossk is and how crucial he was to every victory. And Mando showing up was definitely what turned the tide of the Battle of Endor to the Empire's favor, helping them blow up Home One and defeat the Rebel Alliance once and for all.
Oh wait.
the salt is strong with this one