Don't night sisters easily counter everything she does? And the multiple characters that ignore protection, seems kinda weird. I was wondering if she'd be useful in p3/p4 with the constant damage coming out proc'ing her buffs, but they not real buffs..
Her kit honestly looks all over the place and I guess will only make sense later on. At first glance she looks terrible and much worse then GK. A tank that stealth's again who also will spend 95% of the fight outside of taunt, lol. Seem like to beat her is to basically just ignore her, still gotta kill Jolle whose insane to the max and of course Revan.
Honestly I'm just glad it takes literally at min 5 zetas to make Revan work with Jedi, yet with bast it only took me 2. More zeta characters Will be hard to invest in until zetas are more readily available. 2 more added soon, just after 2 more were added earlier.