7 years agoSeasoned Ace
Kit Rework: HK-47
CATEGORIES: Dark, Attacker, Droid, Sith Empire
Devastating Droid Attacker that excels at taking down Jedi enemies
Basic: Request: Die, Meatbag!
FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Offense Up for 2 turns. This attack has +30% Critical Damage against debuffed enemies.
Special 1: Havoc (Cooldown 3)
FINAL TEXT: Deal true damage (ignores Defense but can't critically hit) to all enemies, and half that amount an additional time for each debuffed enemy. Then, inflict Tenacity Down on all enemies for 2 turns. This attack deals 20% more damage for each Jedi enemy and can't be countered.
Special 2: Assassination Protocol (Cooldown 9)
FINAL TEXT: Dispel all buffs on target enemy, then deal Physical damage to that enemy. This attack can't be evaded and deals 100% more damage against Jedi. If the target enemy has Deathmark or Fear, this ability's cooldown is reset.
This ability starts on cooldown, and its cooldown is reduced by 1 when an enemy is inflicted with Fear.
Leader: Targeted Elimination
FINAL TEXT: Droid allies have +30% Critical Chance, +20% Critical Damage, and gain 10% Turn Meter on a critical hit.
We will be resetting and returning all the ability materials that were used on HK-47’s Leader ability. Find out more details here
Unique 1: Self-Reconstruction
FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) When a buff expires on an enemy, HK-47 recovers 5% Health and 5% Protection. When HK-47 uses an ability during his turn, it deals 25% more damage if the target has Deathmark or Fear.
Unique 2: Loyalty to the Maker
FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) If HK-47's leader is Darth Revan, HK-47 has the following:
CATEGORIES: Dark, Attacker, Droid, Sith Empire
Devastating Droid Attacker that excels at taking down Jedi enemies
Basic: Request: Die, Meatbag!
FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Offense Up for 2 turns. This attack has +30% Critical Damage against debuffed enemies.
Special 1: Havoc (Cooldown 3)
FINAL TEXT: Deal true damage (ignores Defense but can't critically hit) to all enemies, and half that amount an additional time for each debuffed enemy. Then, inflict Tenacity Down on all enemies for 2 turns. This attack deals 20% more damage for each Jedi enemy and can't be countered.
Special 2: Assassination Protocol (Cooldown 9)
FINAL TEXT: Dispel all buffs on target enemy, then deal Physical damage to that enemy. This attack can't be evaded and deals 100% more damage against Jedi. If the target enemy has Deathmark or Fear, this ability's cooldown is reset.
This ability starts on cooldown, and its cooldown is reduced by 1 when an enemy is inflicted with Fear.
Leader: Targeted Elimination
FINAL TEXT: Droid allies have +30% Critical Chance, +20% Critical Damage, and gain 10% Turn Meter on a critical hit.
We will be resetting and returning all the ability materials that were used on HK-47’s Leader ability. Find out more details here
Unique 1: Self-Reconstruction
FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) When a buff expires on an enemy, HK-47 recovers 5% Health and 5% Protection. When HK-47 uses an ability during his turn, it deals 25% more damage if the target has Deathmark or Fear.
Unique 2: Loyalty to the Maker
FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) If HK-47's leader is Darth Revan, HK-47 has the following:
- +50% Defense, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity
- +30% Critical Avoidance for each Jedi enemy
- Cooldown of Assassination Protocol is reset the first time another Sith Empire ally is defeated
- Enemies with Protection Up can't gain bonus Turn Meter