"RuFiOHHHHH;c-1806861" wrote:
"Wrathe;c-1806853" wrote:
"RuFiOHHHHH;c-1806789" wrote:
"Liljohnny77p;c-1806788" wrote:
Oh stop with all the HK rework complaining. I play at the highest level of the game and even there no one used or uses hk ever. Until the gg rework no one gave a crap about hk lol
That's why this is frustrating. Being one of the few to run HK with zeta'd droids on GA defense was unconventional and effective. There's no refund for any of the other droid zetas that are complete garbage without his leadership skill.
You can't go all "butterfly effect" for every change ever patched in. They're kind to restore at all, honestly, but that restoration has a depth of 1. Linked effects are not subject for recompense.
I don't really care about a refund. I would like there to be any remotely viable droid leadership skill. There was one that could sort of work, now there are 0.
1) go HK lead cause it still gives CC+CD+TM upon crits
2) go Lobot lead cause it gives +speed on leadership and he has a TM boost special
3) go IG88 lead with zT3 to spread DoT's and ramp up your damage
4) go GG lead
5) uninstall the game
Options 1) - 3) are the "rush down your opponent" strategies that droids were relying on for so long now. Option 4) with reworked GG is the better mid-range option as there's actual survivability given and you can easily win the most matchups with it (so it IS a viable droid leadership).