Forum Discussion

craven31652's avatar
5 years ago

Kylo unmasked ?

So kylo unmasked has his hault skill. Says it can't be evaded or resisted. My question is how come Malik, drevan and now Han Solo totally resist it when I use it on them? Not just them others too but it just doesn't work on them at all for me
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Darth Revan dispels stuns immediately after it’s applied due to his unique

    Han Solo is immune to stun when Chewbacca is present due to Guard status effect

    EDIT: you can stun Sith Empire tooons after defeating Darth Revan
  • "RyuMac_81;c-2065999" wrote:
    Ok cls and Rey? Won't work on them either

    Did CLS have guard? Rey has a 40% chance to remove debuffs
  • "RyuMac_81;c-2065999" wrote:
    Ok cls and Rey? Won't work on them either

    CLS will likely also be Guarded by Chewbacca in the normal line up.

    JTR has a chance to dispel all debuffs on herself everytime she is hit with a debuff.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "RyuMac_81;c-2066006" wrote:
    Ok so just hit a cls team with no chewy. Didn't work on Solo or cls and there is no gaurd

    Gonna go ahead and call shenanigans on this. There's nothing on a CLS team that would prevent stun if Chewie is not present. Refusal to offer evidence is also a clear sign of "just wasn't paying attention."
  • Ok so just hit a cls team with no chewy. Didn't work on Solo or cls and there is no gaurd
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "RyuMac_81;c-2066006" wrote:
    Ok so just hit a cls team with no chewy. Didn't work on Solo or cls and there is no gaurd

    post a vid or take a screenshot before using halt and then immediately after
  • I'm gonna do that cause this is rediculious I got mine relic 7 and besides a taunt that don't barley work his hault is not working on anything