Primary concern should be income:
- credits - scoundrel team. Lando, STH are a must for crossover potential.
- gear - start with a good rancor team, or multiple teams dependent on your guild and how they run it.
- gear2 - haat teams, if you are not in an haat guild you should get 1 or 2 teams ready to at least be able to participate.
- arena - primary source of crystals. All shard dependent but you need to figure out what team you can make that will help you climb the ladder.
Solid toons to look at
- resistance team - haat, TB, GW (for now), and all LS missions
- solid jedi team - Finish yoda, haat, TB
My favorites
- Aayla
- Ahsoka
- QGJ (good in beginner rancor team)
- GK (later)
- zarriss ( good early game without zeta, zeta is great later game)
Phoenix - thrawn, TB. Ezra is a solid jedi too.
That should keep you busy for the next year or so. :wink: