The above advice is very sound. There is a Youtuber that has a farming guide he calls the 4 pillars. Though, being 8 months old it is a bit dated, I think it provides a solid foundation for what to work on and in a specific order so that you can unlock and participate in the most content possible.
The video is here:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=a2_J_BwXSOY&t=167sMods could be an entire lengthy post of it's own, but here are a few tips.
- The primary stat's max bonus is higher depending on the number of dots that are on the mod. Generally speaking don't waste your credits on anything under 4-dots.
- The exception to the above is when you get a Speed primary on an arrow mod. Speed primaries ONLY happen on arrow mods, and even a 1-dot +17 speed arrow (at lvl 15) is useful.
- Secondary stats are only added/increased at lvl 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15, so don't spend credits on a mod unless taking it to one of those levels.
- Mods have to be showing all four secondaries before any of them actually increase. So a grey mod adds a secondary at lvl 3/6/9/12, and only increases a secondary at lvl 15. Generally I wouldn't spend credits to go to lvl 15 on a grey mod.
- Green mods start adding to secondaries shown at lvl 12, blue at lvl 9, purple at lvl 6, and gold (as they always show all four secondaries) at lvl 3. Gold are, naturally, the best.
- Speed, as a primary on the arrow mods or as a secondary elsewhere, is a great stat. The more you can get of that, the better.
- If you open a character in your inventory, then go to "Manage" under the mods, and then from the basic mod screen tap the little "i" in a circle next to "tips" the screen will show you recommended mod sets as well as the recommended primary and secondary stats (and secondary/tertiary stats) to use for that character. This may or may not be the actual best, but it works great as a starting guide. YMMV.
- You can slice mods, but I've never done it and don't really get it yet, so you're on your own there.