8 years ago
Life w/out GK -- a request
I help run a guild that is mostly for lower level players, and, as far as I can tell, mostly F2P. I try to point them to the forums for advice, but a common problem we run into is that nearly all squad advice includes General Kenobi. I'm the top player in my guild, and even I don't have GK. We take a while to finish normal AAT and cannot even make a dent in Heroic.
We're probably not the only ones in this predicament. It would be helpful if a lot of advice came with the addition "And if you don't have GK, then..."
Threads in the academy section of the forums for Normal raids, for example, would be much appreciated.
We're probably not the only ones in this predicament. It would be helpful if a lot of advice came with the addition "And if you don't have GK, then..."
Threads in the academy section of the forums for Normal raids, for example, would be much appreciated.