Forum Discussion

szabot13's avatar
8 years ago

Life w/out GK -- a request

I help run a guild that is mostly for lower level players, and, as far as I can tell, mostly F2P. I try to point them to the forums for advice, but a common problem we run into is that nearly all squad advice includes General Kenobi. I'm the top player in my guild, and even I don't have GK. We take a while to finish normal AAT and cannot even make a dent in Heroic.

We're probably not the only ones in this predicament. It would be helpful if a lot of advice came with the addition "And if you don't have GK, then..."

Threads in the academy section of the forums for Normal raids, for example, would be much appreciated.

7 Replies

  • I should add that most don't have Chaze either (Baze is a slow farm!). So, that throws out just about all other recommendations.
  • Or another way to put it:

    For players without GK, Baze, raid Han, R2, Thrawn, and now CLS, what are the good arena, GW, and raid teams? It's hard to find advice with those restrictions.
  • For Arena I have been using Admiral Ackbar(lead), Stormtrooper Han, Princess Leia, Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles. It was enough to get to around place 500. For Galactic War, Captain Phasma(lead), Old Daka, Luminara Unduli/Bariss Offee, Royal Guard and Boba Fett, also using Arena squad to get past harder parts. Also this second squad put me at around place 800-1000 in Arena. All of those characters are quite easy to get, so I guess you should be able to work from that.
  • Without zetas, I ran phasma (L) Kylo qgj Anakin and FOO and placed around 450 on average. Now that I have a zeta on qgj, I run qgj (L) Anakin Ashoka yoda and Kylo and place around 215 on average. The most important thing I can suggest to lower level players is to have a plan. Know who you want and how to get them, and who's effective where. Don't waste the extra energy you get from leveling up so quickly at lower levels on characters that are worthless.
  • Perhaps ask your players to add a disclaimer when they post. Such as...I don't have Chaze or GK but would like to run rebels or jedi. Here's my swgoh acct.