I did it with:
Wedge (L) Gear 8
Biggs Gear 8
Jyn Erso Gear 8
Chaze Gear 11 (Baze 3 star, Chirrut 5 star)
I borrowed a gear 11 Lando. Having Lando and Wedge lead is a monster. It took loads of attempts and is largely down to RNG. Assuming you have baze, Jyn is the x factor in this team as she stuns boba, then gives lando 100% TM. So a good lando can rattle off about 45k AOE before they take a turn if him and jyn and close to 100% TM at the start of the 3rd battle. She then revives baze if he takes some punishment from the ig86's. Obviously this plan requires very kind RNG and a bit of crafty strategy on your part.
If you had Jyn and Wiggs at something like gear 10 you'd 3 star it easily.