Forum Discussion

Enye164's avatar
8 years ago

Looking for First Order Guidance

Early on, I was ambitious to Farm for FO shard collections to use as my main Squad Arena main line up. I was only hooked to the StarWars Universe due to Episode VII: the Force Awakens.

As I was an inexperienced youngling in a world of Level85 Players and Zeta's, I worked hard and endured sleepless nights and energy refreshes to work my way up the ranks. (tbh, I take pride on working harder kn SWGoH than my Thesis, lol)

That said, I've learned to readjust my mindset, now, I seek guidance from the still more experienced veteran SWGOH players, as I am still using FO characters but, hybrid-ed synergy to other characters (toons as we call it in our guild).

Right now, im using Phazma lead, Zylo, both @gearXI, maxed out kits + FOOfficer @gearX maxed out kits, ZBobaFett @gearXI pimped out too (only 240speed though, no speed mods yets), aaaand I'm ashamed of my last member, Mace (yes Mace) Windu @Gear X, kits not Maxed out since I plan on replacing him for Darth Nihilus soon. (I use Mace still because DH is still @Gear8, 5*, and I'm an F2P player so the early free shards for Mace helped a lot, and I use him in Ships)

so far, I'm comfortably within Top20-3, highest I got was Rank1 but (you pick your moments), my average rank position would probably be on the 20th, but in my worse days when the RNGods are against me, I place 30-50.

Humblebrag or NotABigDeal aside, I was wondering if there are other avenues I might not have looked up upon?

My FOStormTrooper sits at Gear9, 52/100 to 7*, but as Thrawn and Nihilus are upon us, I've decided to cut my losses and prioritize Thrawn/Nihilus more than FOST. (for GW 12 nodes' consistent completion)

My FOTiePilot sits at 6*, Gear8, and I've decided to not use a full on FO squad until they reach 7* and Gear10 or better.

Till then, I'm utilizing Boba and Nihilus.

Any other clever variance in FO Hybrid Line Ups?

thank you.