I really think if LV gained a mastery % from Dark Harbinger equal to the amount of Underesimated he has, it would really help him buff up quicker, it’s truly his only problem, taking too long to ramp up. Fix that and he’s amazing and like Sithlords_Inc suggested, also make his Ult Mastery gain 75% at under 100% and 150% at full Ult, I think all the problems would be fixed, he’ll ramp up quick enough to not only win easier but make the battles less of a snoozefest. Come on CG, give a legit reply or actually just buff him, don’t lose more spenders!
Oh and as I suggested earlier, double the amount of Mastery gain allies receive from LV’s AoE while in ultimate from a max 60% to a max 120%… all problems solved with those 3 changes and easy to implement!