"Sithlords_Inc;c-2313089" wrote:
Including myself theres a whooping 3 LVs in my arena right now, one of which is floating around in the 40's, but CG still gonna find a way to call it WAI
My arena has one person using Lord Vader, Maul in arena.
And then about 3-4 of us who have LV Maul and just use JMK Cat in arena since it’s quicker, easier and performs better.
Fun fact: In the top 100 of squad arenas,
There are 23161 of 31894 JMKs aka
72.6% of all JMKs being used.
While only 1271 of 5872 LVs aka
21.6% of all LVs being used.
An overwhelming majority of LV owners don’t use the newest GL (and currently most expensive unit) in squad arena. ?
Now there is probably some owners who are working on ULT / don’t have maul (who makes a minor difference really) but I’ve spoken to a good amount of ULT LV & Maul owners who simply don’t use him in arena because JMK is just superior.