@IDobaFett , @scuba
Great idea, wondering where that info came from scuba? Just a little hesitant to update anything until I feel like it's solid.
@Casual_Player I totally hear what you're saying about this guide, it's a ton of info to take in all at once. I actually considered doing what you suggested, making separate comments or even just multiple threads about each topic (such as a thread for quality, a thread for tiers, etc.).
However, one of my main goals in writing this guide was to consolidate all of the info that's out there into a single location, and breaking things up like that seemed like it would defeat the purpose.
I would prefer something simpler, but a couple of things are working to prevent that: Time, since I just don't have a ton of time to make things any fancier/easier to look at than they already are, and complexity, since the subject itself is very complex and confusing to begin with. Believe me, this is not a simple subject, and again, given my goal of combining everything into one place, I felt it would be better to err on the side of providing too much information rather than leaving stuff out.
In actuality, I think the thing that's really missing here is the strategy for how people should use mods, which I deliberately didn't want to include in this thread since I felt like things could get out-of-hand pretty quickly, and it's also somewhat subjective anyways. Still, I would love to see someone write their own guide on which mods are best for specific builds/characters, which mods should be farmed first, which mods are better than others, etc. There really is a lot of room for additional discussion about mods, and hopefully consolidating all the basics into a single location will serve as a good first-step towards enabling people to truly start figuring out what works best.