Forum Discussion

y903211's avatar
4 years ago

Massively Overpowered or Deadly Momentum

Which of the two discs would you choose? Massively Overpowered oder Deadly Momentum. I usually only see “bad” discs. Now I have the problem of having to choose between the two and it is like sitting between two delicious cakes. I am happy about every opinion 🙈
  • My biggest issue with deadly momentum is that I've had to remove it at the end to be able to go back and do feats, everyone just dies too quickly.
  • "Kyno;c-2268819" wrote:
    My biggest issue with deadly momentum is that I've had to remove it at the end to be able to go back and do feats, everyone just dies too quickly.

    I had to do the same with Massively Overpowered. It was fun though.

    Frankly either one will supercharge your squads.
  • Neither for the reason stated above.
    You'll have to remove it later for feats which costs you currency.
    You can be more efficient with other discs under that 4 cost as well.
    Offense on Buffs with Buffs and Entrenched seems to be the most consistent/efficient build we currently have
    Support offense spam with Entrenched being a close second
  • I have used Massively Overpowered. Haven't gotten the other one yet.

    I wasn't a big fan of Massively Overpowered. I stacked discs that granted me buffs to speed it along. I just didn't see the advantage over utilizing more discs with cheaper costs.

    I've been having a blast using a couple Amplify Agony discs with a Ruthless Debilitation. Vitality and Entrenched to ensure my squad survives the first barrage from the other side. Once Vader throws out his dots, the other squad takes a massive hit. Softens them up nicely for the rest of my squad. Which happens to be loaded with members that can throw more dots.

    The damage from the 2 Amplify Agony discs seems to have a bigger impact than the Massively Overpowered disc.