Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Novice
8 years ago

Maul vs sith assassin who is better?

I currently run maul on my nihilus led sith team due to his double damage to jedi. However I am debating if I should use assassin instead due to her various buff gains on her basic and her overall move set. Also does maul lose all of his health boost benefits from his unique with nihilus lead? You'd think that with all the potential health boosts he should get it would be more noticeable but apparently not.

3 Replies

  • Maul still gains the initial max health boost, but none of the recovery of his unique under DN.

    Sith Assassin is far better under DN then Maul, unless you REALLY need that AoE daze.
  • SA all the way. Her most underrated ability is bypassing protection. Most toons released more than 6 months ago that are high DPS attackers(think wedge, offense modded chirruts, FOTP, Rey, etc...) can be one shotted by her with only 3-4 buffs on her. Oh and bye bye Rex too.