8 years ago
Mod drop rate
The most unfair thing done in this game so far was decreasing the powerful mod drop rate. Let me tell you why. All the other seemingly unfair aspects (that made it possible for whales or old accounts get huge advantage over newer but hardworking people) are beatable in time. Because meta toons can change, you may discover a very nice and new synergy, you can concentrate on a single aspect of the game, pour all resources and be the best in it. What you cannot achieve is that you can't beat these guys who in older system acquired mods with 20+ secondary speed or 7% secondary potency. There is no way for you to do this anymore. Their best toons might lose their meta positions or can be nerfed down but those mods will stay with them forever.
So either mod drop rate should be increased, or there should be new ways to acquire nice mods or new mod categories or advantage types should be developed, imho.
So either mod drop rate should be increased, or there should be new ways to acquire nice mods or new mod categories or advantage types should be developed, imho.