6 years ago
Modding GG/Nuke team
Hey everyone. I'm looking to make a GG nuke team for squad arena. Here is my list so far: https://swgoh.gg/squads/173597/ I'm looking to get all the droids to gear 7 and then put grievous at gear 9,...
"Jarvind;c-2010467" wrote:"jawa7778;c-2010454" wrote:"Jarvind;c-2010438" wrote:
Square and diamond mods always have Offense and Defense primaries, respectively.
You have zero speed from mods on Grievous currently. He doesn't need a ton, but zero is bad.
Also, Grievous is basically worthless until G13. He gains a ton of health at that point which is what finally allows him to function. You'll want to get him there (and preferably add at least a few relic levels) as soon as possible.
Well, based on the way Anhald plays him, you just wait until they kill one other turn, then he takes his bonus turn and "nukes" everyone. I know I don't have his zeta yet, I'm putting all my credits into him to get him to level 84 so I can zeta it. Hopefully, that will be my first zeta ever. Also, can't I get him to like gear 10ish with high health mods since gear 13 is a long way in the future for me :neutral: So, the square mod is worthless on him since he doesn't use offense right? I just need good secondaries since the main offense is worthless.
Honestly if you're so early in the game that you don't even have zetas yet, a Grievous nuke squad is a really bad first "serious" team to invest in, as it's basically useless outside of arena. You don't even have T3 or IG88 yet, and both are critical elements.
You'd be far better off getting some legendary and hero characters and building teams around them. Droid nuke teams are pretty much built specifically to counter Darth Revan/Darth Malak teams, and will almost certainly not be a viable option by the time you actually get one up and running. I use one right now and I don't expect it to be remain relevant after whatever content we get for Episode 9 arrives.
And no, health mods will not make up for being G10, not even if you slice them to 6 dot - which requires at least G12 anyway. You need him at well over 100k health before he starts dishing out the kind of hurt you need.
Lastly, I'm gonna let you in on a secret: Ahnald is not that good at the game. People seem to find his "enthusiastic semi-coherent yelling" style of showmanship entertaining, but that doesn't mean he's especially great at PVP.