6 years ago
Modding Traya.
What's a good way to mod Traya? And is there a way to see what gear she needs for the other gear levels I'm not at yet? Oh btw, I'm using Traya with my Sith, I'm not using her for a Geo counter...
"littleMAC77;c-2039368" wrote:
You can see all gear needed on swgoh.gg, seach under characters.
"Dwinkelm;c-2039903" wrote:
Traya is extremely versatile, and it’s helpful to know if you’ll be using her for a specific scenario when talking about modding her. I know you said “not Geos,” but there are a hundred other “not Geos” you could be fighting.
She is effective against JKR, I like to use Tenacity against JKR to help prevent TM reduction and Health Down. A fast Traya is great, almost necessary against JKR too, as she will get marked first and have her cooldowns increased. Isolate is your key to fighting JKR. Isolate Jolee and forget about that stupid mass-resurrection, then it’s pretty straight-forward
She is effective against Padmé. You will want her tanky AF with a fast Sion (to taunt) to keep her alive as long as possible. Isolate GK, hammer on Padmé/Anakin, pretty easy.
She is effective, to a lesser-degree, against clones. Again, tanky helps to help initial onslaught. I like offense in this scenario, I’ve seen her one-shot Shak Ti, and that’s immensely helpful.
As you know, she’s a Bug Squasher. I think it’s really stupid not to use her in this situation, to be quite frank. My R1 Traya + (very fast) R1 Sion will take a full squad of R7 Geos, no issue. It’s an incredibly efficient use of resources. Fast, Tanky Traya with Crit Avoidance in this scenario.
All that said, if you’re not going to use for anything super specific, I think you should load her up with Offense if using two taunting tanks, and Tenacity if using one or less, with as many speed secondaries as possible.
"MightyWizard;c-2039871" wrote:
I modded my r7 Traya mainly for offense, speed, and CC. She's a monster.
"Tbstratigist;c-2040098" wrote:
Whole team modded for crit avoidance