I run the exact same team but sith trooper instead of palp. I can share how I modded my team (currently top 50 at level 78)
1. Dooku as fast as possible (212). You want him to go first to try and get a stun right away. He also gains so much TM from countering that with a high speed he is ALWAYS going. Second priority Offence/Protection
2. Vader second fastest (190) to lay down a force crush. He doesn't hit that hard so I did Protection/defence for second priority.
3. DN as close to Vader as possible (189) so the dots don't get cleansed. Hit em with that drain force. Second priority offence/defence. I have my DN armour at 31% lol
4. Maul just as fast as you can get him after all the other mods (150). I find all that matter for him is as much offence as possible. He hits so hard and recovers so much health under DN. second priority is health/protection cause he is so squishy.
5. Sith trooper slow to hold the taunt and retribution and ALL THE PROTECTION! I have him at 5* G9 and he has 33k protection right now.
Hope this helps!