Forum Discussion

Stenun's avatar
7 years ago

Mods for Darth Nihilus in a pure Sith team

I'm putting together a Sith team and - atm - it consists of Emperor Palpatine as Leader, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Savage Oppress and - at three shards away from 7* - Darth Nihilus.
(I'm also working on Darth Sion and plan to replace Sidious with him one day but that's a while away yet.)

So given that squad set-up; what mods would you be looking to put on Darth Nihilus? What stats of his would need most increasing?

2 Replies

  • I do speed and health mods, get him fast and durable. I have a full Nightmare team and one more raid will have Traya.

    Really his main purpose is annihilate but he does decent damage on his basic as well.