9 years ago
"Must have" Toons?
Hi Everyone, I have been asking this of my friends in my Guild but really want to read others thoughts on this as well, so here goes, in your opinion who are the "must have" Toons for Arena, Raids an...
"EscapeArtist51;469597" wrote:
The turtles playing you for a fool OP. Some characters are better than others. Like my favorite toon ugnaught, he's just so poor for no reason. Must have character list should include qui gon, he is just incredibly useful. Clears taunt and gives offense up, and damages. He's definitely a must have. Best character out of cantina store.. But anyways, I'll list my top 10 toons for you though, (this is mostly based off arena)
1. Royal Guard
2. Leia
3. Rey
4. Qui gon
5. Genosian Soldier
6. Old Ben
7. Captain Phasma
8. Count Dooku(only if you have him as leader ability)
9. Storm trooper Han
10. Old Daka
Honorable mentions: Luminara, Ig-86, poggle the lesser, Ig 88, Lando, admiral ackbar, Ima gun di