Forum Discussion

maxheinze1984's avatar
6 years ago

My dilemma!

I played the game last toward the beginning of 2016, after 3 years of absence the game has changed a whole lot.

My roster was somewhat developed and I got to lvl 78, my question now is how on earth do I go from where I'm at? Should I effectively ignore my roster and start with the new player guides and work my way through phoenix squad (admittedly as I speak Thrawn event is in 2 days) or should I be looking at a new direction? In honesty I've all but forgotten how to play and even which squads synergies with the heroes I've got.

Any pointers for a sensible measured way forward with ftp in mind would be appreciated. By now of course my arena is well established and so the top end is way way ahead, same goes for ships (of which I have nothing as they didn't even exist!)

  • "General_Kahn;c-1889007" wrote:
    Okay, so I assume that the best way forward is to start with phoenix squad, are there other considerations? Should I leavel up ASAP or am I better to hold back etc?

    There are lots of different opinions on the "best" way forward, but it all depends on which part of the game you want to focus on. Ask yourself what your priorities are: Raids? Arena? Territory Battles/Wars?

    There are MANY different ways you can start over, and there are many different opinions. If you are like me, and want to build a decent roster for all game modes without purely focusing on Arena I would suggest farming Phoenix Squad for the following reasons:

    Phoenix Squad (Hera, Ezra, Chopper, Zeb, Kanan)
    • Required to unlock Grand Admiral Thrawn
    • 5 Rebels that unlock Emperor Palpatine
    • 2 Jedi for the team to unlock Grand Master Yoda
    • Phoenix Ships are required to unlock Thrawn’s Star Destroyer (The Chimera)
    • Phoenix Ships are good in an early Fleet Arena Shard, and at the time of this post, awesome in end game Fleet Arena (Home One, Falcon, Ghost, Phantom II, Hounds Tooth, Biggs, Cassian/Bistan’s U-Wing)
    • Good for Territory Battles, Decent for Territory Wars
    • Good in an early Squad Arena shard

    Finishing Phoenix Squad first gives you a really good starting point. From here you have MANY options, but that is up to you and your priorities for the game.

  • Thanks guys, I'm on board with starting over, I see mention here and there of holding back at 27 to gain advantage in arena, is there a current new player guide anywhere or are they all YouTube...?
  • Starting over is a good idea so that you have a chance in squad arena and fleet arena when you unlock it. Look up Warrior's 2019 pillars and follow that progression. If arena wouldn't screw you over at this point, I would've said keep your account since you have some useful characters at 7*
  • You have a pretty good character base imo.

    Got quite a number of 7 stars and a decently geared team. I don't know, maybe continue to play but get a arena competitive squad + a decent a ship team for stable shard income?

    I would definitely play at this point. Only issue may be that you are super behind in the squad arena etc, but that can be improved with the proper team in no time
  • "AntiFunn;c-1889794" wrote:
    You have a pretty good character base imo.

    Got quite a number of 7 stars and a decently geared team. I don't know, maybe continue to play but get a arena competitive squad + a decent a ship team for stable shard income?

    I would definitely play at this point. Only issue may be that you are super behind in the squad arena etc, but that can be improved with the proper team in no time

    only issue is a huge issue. Top of his arena are 3m gp minimum by this point.
  • "camper288;c-1889646" wrote:
    I always consider that rebooting does not bring great benefits.
    You already have them by figure 3 of the 5 CLS characters ready.

    5 Jedi 7 stars to get the GMY.
    Several other 7-star characters.
    You are near level 80

    Restarting or not the phoenix is a priority.

    If you decide not to restart it is an obvious plan.

    Go after Bastila and Jolle in yellow energy.
    In the red energy switch between Hera and Erza
    Chopper Canteen Coin Store
    In the Guild store the priority should be Dengar, followed by Luke Farmboy
    Kanan in the arena, followed by Tarkin and Admiral Ackbar
    At the Galactic War shop Buy only ships. (geonosian, and biggs and wedge nave)
    In the Ship Shop speed up the Darth Vader and then buy the Phoenix ships
    In the Guild Event Store the priority is Luke Farmboy
    At the table of ships accelerate Bastila and then go after the other characters of JKR.

    If you decide to reboot follow the obvious plan detailed by youtubers

    In the Guild store the priority should be Dengar, followed by Luke Farmboy Logray

    *** Fixed that for ya :) Seriously though Farmboy Luke is a really easy 8 Energy Cantina Farm, don't waste Guild Store Currency on him. Dengar and Logray can only be farmed from this store and they both take a long time.
  • Thanks for the advice guys I've started over, I just hit 18, and therefore allies, only the share ally code thread seems dead... Mine is Ally Code: 716-434-327 if any higher lvl would be willing to lend me some heroes to hit farming nodes I'd be appreciative!

    Additionally if anyone can steer me towords where I should be looking for a guild that would be great!

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