28 days ago
My sith squad needs help
I have the following as my sith squad with the first as leader: Darth Traya R7 maxed out Sith Assassin R7 maxed out Darth Nilius R6 maxed, leader ability is level 7 Darth Vader R4 maxed, leader a...
Talon would be good in there, Savage too if GA.
Mine is Traya, Nihilus, Sion, Talon, and either Vader or Savage.
Sith Assassin could probably be replaced too, not many benefits to that one. Talon would be way better.
You could do Traya, Nihilus, Sion, Talon, Savage (omi) for a good GA team, saving empire trooper and maruader for a Revan team and Vader for a empire team.
if you dont have savage (hes very easy to get), Vader or SET will also be good, same if you dont have Sion, but hes a great tank and worth having imo
I have all of those guys, I dropped Talon and Sion because of the kryotech and shard grinding, respectfully. Savage I do have, but I've basically just unlocked him as I haven't upgraded him whatsoever.
I kinda did know about Sith Assassin not really working well, I've noticed it more lately, the problem right now with switching her out is my only other guys that have relics are Palpatine and imp Tie Pilot.
Palpatine is maxed out in abilities except his leader which is at level 7, but he never can take a turn and is pretty much first man down against AOE teams.
Sion is definitely up to a personal preference, but Talon is a worthy replacement of assasin in my opinion, pretty good omi and revives Traya too. And also deploys stealth with her special, same with assassin.
and yeah Sion has uses too, like his ability to remove all buffs from opponents and revive himself
Ok, thanks for the advice! I'll definitely work on them then.